People of Oleon: Ludovic Van

How many years have you been with Oleon?

I have been working at Oleon for 7 years now.

Describe your role in a few words.

I am defining and leading the implementation of the CSR strategy. As the leader of a passionate and enthusiastic team across various locations, I collaborate with different departments to identify relevant and impactful actions and targets.

This includes working closely with our Purchasing and Marketing & Sales colleagues to engage directly with our key suppliers and customers. This way, we take full responsibility for our impact on society and the environment and act across the value chain.

What’s your motivation / favorite thing about working in Oleon?

Sustainability is built in the company’s DNA which is also the reason why I chose to join Oleon.

The Oleon product or market that you find most interesting, why?

Difficult question. Oleon produces a diverse range of valuable oleochemical solutions that we find in our everyday life from home care, hygiene, and food to automotive and industrial lubricants used in windmills. They are all interesting.

I will give the highlight to sorbitan mono-oleate, used to produce flocculants used in wastewater treatment.

A positive quote – on Oleon or work related.

We need to shift our perspective away from separating nature and culture. Instead, recognize that we are part of society, which can only live in our shared environment.

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