Oleon General Terms & Conditions (GTC’s)

GTC’s of Sale

Please find our General Terms and Conditions of Sale below. Unless otherwise agreed upon, these apply to all sales performed by Oleon.

The applicable version of the Oleon GTC’s of Sale depend on the Oleon legal entity you are buying from: Oleon NV (Belgium), Oleon Americas Inc. (USA), Oleon Asia-Pacific (Malaysia) or Oleon Comércio de Oleoquímicos Ltda (Brazil).

Current Version
Earlier Version

If you concluded a sales agreement with Oleon under an earlier version than the current version of the Oleon GTC’s of Sale, you can find those hereunder. If your contract refers to a specific version of the GTC’s, then these apply; if not, the signing date (last signature) determines the applicability of the GTC’s.

Oleon NV
Oleon Americas Inc.
Oleon Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd

GTC’s of Purchase

Please find our General Terms and Conditions of Purchase below. Unless otherwise agreed upon, these apply to all purchases performed by Oleon.

The applicable version of the Oleon General Terms and Conditions of Purchase depends on the Oleon legal entity you are selling to.

Current Version - as of 01.01.2025
Earlier Version

If you concluded a purchase agreement with Oleon under an earlier version than the current version of the Oleon GTC’s of Purchase, you can find those hereunder. If your contract refers to a specific version of the GTC’s, then these apply; if not, the signing date (last signature) determines the applicability of the GTC’s.

Oleon NV

Oleon NV - GTC's of Purchase - EN valid until 31.12.2024

Oleon NV - Transport Policy - EN valid until 31.12.2023

Oleon NV - Aannemingsvoorwaarden - NL valid until 31.12.2024

Oleon Codes & Policies

Oleon Code of Conduct

The Supplier’s Code of Conduct presents Avril Group’s commitments vis-a-vis its suppliers, as well as the Avril Group’s requirements vis-a-vis its stakeholders, notably with regard to human rights, business ethics and security. All Avril Group suppliers must observe the standards and principles stipulated in this Code, which is essential to the relationship between the Avril Group and its suppliers, and which the latter must commit to upholding. Oleon is part of the Avril Group.

Earlier Version 
Oleon Supplier Code of Conduct

Corporate Information

Registered name

Oleon NV

Company form

NV (Naamloze Vennootschap)

Registered address

Assenedestraat 2, 9940 Evergem, Belgium

VAT n°


Company registration

RPR Ondernemingsrechtbank Gent, afd. Gent / C.B.E. n°0406.414.162

Registered name

Oleon Americas Inc.

Company form

Deleware Corporation

Registered address

200 Bryce Circle, Simpsonville, SC 29681 USA

VAT n° 


Company registration

registered in SOuth Carolina under number 596831

Registered name

Oleon Asia-Pacific Sdn Bhd

Company form

Sendirian Berhad (SDN BHD)

Registered address

12th Floor, Menara Symphony, No.5, Jalan Professor Khoo Kay Kim, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

VAT n°


Company registration

199301001053 & 255790-U

Registered name

Oleon Comércio de Oleoquímicos Ltda

Company form

Single Limited Liability Company

Registered address

Avenida Marginal SP 340, Pista Norte, KM 142, Haras Santa Marguerita, Unidade Autônoma n°111, Galpão n°11 - A, Zip Code 13833-591, Santo Antônio de Posse (SP), Brazil

VAT n°


Company registration

registered before the Board of Trade of São Paulo under the National Registered of Legal Entities NIRE under n°35630263565

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